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Friday, February 15, 2013


  • Miss Reinalda gave Max and Evelyn little bears for Valentine's Day.  When I picked Max up, and still this morning, he refers to his bear as 'my sweet little bear.'  For the record, it is a bear, not a teddy bear, because bears are white and teddy bears are brown.
  • Not sure where this one came from:  Yesterday, Max told me "confidence means that you come out of your shell."  
  • Evelyn has started getting very into touching the books while we read.  She even turns some of the pages!  
  • Speaking of sharing books, we're also starting to share toys.  Max is OK with Evelyn playing with baby toys, but is significantly less excited when she starts touching his fire and garbage trucks.
  • This morning:  "Daddy told me I'm a big boy, but I told him I'm a little man because I like to poo poo in my diaper."
  • Doris sent us a valentine with pictures of their family on it.  This morning, we took the card with us so Max could "show Meleia the card has her on it.  That is funny."
  • He LOVES 'tasty treats' and 'yummy surprises.'
  • Evelyn has become impossible to keep socks on.  She loves to pull them off and chew on them!