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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Gallery Opening

We have lots of art around the house these days.  Miss Reinalda has the kids do a project every day to work on their fine motor skills.  They do a lot of markers and gluing.

 He made the fish in preschool.  They are working on sharing this cycle, and this is the fish who shared his scales with the other fish to make the ocean beautiful.
 Miss Reinalda also does a lot of work with getting them to follow directions.  This coloring book has them color the picture to match the drawing.  It's a hard challenge, but Max is getting better at it every time.

 They even do art at Sunday school sometimes.  The light green paper is a rainbow he drew with chalk last week.

 In preschool, the last unit was on feelings.  Max is happy when he sees a happy face, sad when someone takes his toys, and mad when someone knocks over his castle.  The accompanying drawings really bring his emotions to life!

 And of course, no work of art is complete without stickers.  We LOVE stickers!