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Monday, February 11, 2013

Museum Musings

We had a party Saturday, and everybody was slow-moving Sunday morning.  So we blew off church (yay for not having Sunday School to teach this week!) and headed to BOTH the train and the dinosaur museums.  Max was all about finding things.  The steps picture is just after we 'rode' the subway exhibit, "my favorite thing to do," according to Max.
 Evelyn took advantage of all the great snoozing locations in both museums.
 I have a picture from Max in this very spot 18 months and 6 months ago, where he was hanging over the edge staring at the non-moving engine below (that makes awesome sounds).  This time, he ran right over and started looking at the pictures on the display as opposed to just staring into the void.  He's really growing up!
For the record, his favorite dinosaur is the triceratops, his favorite fish is the clown fish, and his favorite thing in the transportation exhibit is the train, the subway, and 'the cars and trucks and motorcycle'.