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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Updates and Such

  • Evelyn is 44% height, 45% weight, and 61% head.  She weighs in at 15 lbs, 10 oz.
  • Max woke up this morning with a completely dry diaper.  If this is the start of a new trend, we'll practically rich from the diaper savings alone!
  • Last night, Max and Ian watched an IMAX movie about the Hubble telescope.  At one point, it showed a planet.  Ian said 'look Max, that's a planet.'  Max said, ' that's Saturn, Daddy.'  He was right!  Then later, Ian said 'that's a lot of planets and stars and solar systems,' and Max said 'it's a galaxy.'  Freaking.  Genius.
  • Max is very into what is fair and what is not fair.  Generally, if you do what he wants, it is fair.  If you don't do what he wants, you are not being fair.
  • Max loves things to be ordered just so.  Our babysitter, Elsy, brings her son Eddie with her to play with Max.  When he woke up the next morning, Max said 'Eddie made my toys messy but I cleaned it up all by myself.  I don't want my room messy.'
  • Max is also a tattle tale - on himself and everyone else.  We had a couple of days where Max pushed Meleia and got in trouble, which he reported as soon as I arrived to pick him up.  The next couple of days, Max delighted in telling me that Meleia had done pushing and had to do time outs.
  • Evelyn and Max are just delighted by each other.  In the mornings, we all cuddle in Max's bed for a minute before heading to the potty.  They smile and talk and play with each other as if it's been days, and not just hours, since they last saw each other.
  • Evelyn's sleep has improved tremendously!  She's now headed upstairs by 6:30 and is asleep by 7.  She sleeps until 4:30, eats a lot, and then sleeps again until somewhere from 6:45-7:45.  She's a much happier baby - and has a MUCH happier momma! - now.
  • When we were at the zoo, Ian was holding Max while they looked at the lions.  Max was chatting away when the lion let out a small roar.  Max looked at Ian and said 'I want to go to the zebras.'  Survival instinct is strong in this one!
  • I forgot to put a little teddy bear we have in a Christmas sweater back in the Christmas box.  Max loves 'my little teddy' and sleeps with him every night now.  He also gets to make the journey to the bathroom for the morning potty with us.
  • At the park on Sunday, Max kept saying 'that nice little boy let me have the shovel.'  It was so funny coming out of his mouth!