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Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Party

After church, we had an Easter brunch at our house.  It was lots of fun - four little boys under age 5 can keep things very interesting!  

We started with an egg hunt in the back yard.  Brody was far less into the hunt than he was the trike.

 Quinn was guiding Zane to the eggs from his perch on the porch.

 The pictures of the dads crack me up.

 Max's competitive spirit came out during the at-home hunt!

 The Vogels were happy egg hunters.
 Evelyn slept through all the hunting!

 Never one to miss a silly moment, Max became a monster!

 I forgot to get a picture of the table all set and pre-people, but this is how it looked as we gathered our food and got ready to dig in.
 The kids table was quite happening.  Max held court like an experienced host.