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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Observations and Tales

  • We drove by a big field of daffodils this weekend.  Ian said 'look at those tulips, Max.'  Max responded 'those aren't TULIPS, Daddy, they're BUFFALOES!'  
  • Hearing us crack up about the difference between buffaloes and daffodils, Max has now re-told that story several times.
  • Max makes a huge deal about dropping Evelyn in the baby classroom at church.  He walks in and tells the ladies 'I am too big for this room.  I have to go to the big boy class.'  He is so proud of himself!
  • The 'whys' have hit big-time.  Everything we see and do needs to be explained.  So far, it's kind of fun to try to remember why things happen the way they do.
  • They worked on similarities and differences to each other at Social Skills last week.  Walking home last night, Max would say 'that is a red car.  it is similar to a fire truck.  that is a green tree.  it is similar to a frog., etc., etc., etc.'  He is one observant little guy.
  • Max is one competitive little guy.  All you have to do is say 'I'll race you' and he is off like a shot.  He's very cooperative at bedtime now because the boys are racing the girls.
  • I beat Max to the front door yesterday.  He was genuinely puzzled that he didn't win.  Not upset, just amazed that someone else got there first.
  • We've nicknamed Evelyn The Octopus because she has a crazy wingspan and reach.  She really puts her whole body into it.  She's got fine motor skills, that's for sure!
  • Max really, really wants to know how to read.  He and Daddy spend lots of time talking about letters and sounding out words at night now instead of just reading stories.  He's got lots of the letter sounds down now.