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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

White House Easter Egg Roll

Max was VERY excited about going to the White House and the President's House.  He was literally running circles around us as we walked, and kept doing 'flips', aka somersaults, in the grass next to us while we waited in line.  As soon as we got inside, he took off like he knew exactly what we were doing there!

 He ran right up to this carrot and gave it a big hug.

 He LOVED meeting Abby, who stars in some of his favorite books.  He says 'fiddle diddle cheese' a lot, which is an Abby line.

 This thing is apparently called Wubzy.
 One last giant hug for a well-placed Easter Bunny.

 Evelyn had fun too!

 Max and Daddy did an obstacle course.

 Max went to story time, where a bunch of vegetables sang and danced about how great they are.  He was enthralled.

Waiting to get in, Max took a snack break for animal crackers.
 Evelyn and I chilled (literally, it was cold!) on the lawn while the boys did story time.