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Friday, May 10, 2013

Good morning sweet kiddos

We're all sleeping through the night now - YAY - and we're also waking up earlier.  It's fun, because we get some time to play together in the morning instead of being in a rush of clothes/shoes/lunchboxes as we race to the door.  

This morning, we played in the sun room for quite a while.  Evelyn wore her new sun hat so we'd remember to take it to Miss R, and Max had the whole fire station crew and and about.  It is funny to watch the kids interact.  Evelyn is at the point where she grabs trucks and toys and wants to play with them.  This is less than popular with big brother!  

In other news, Evelyn is a hot minute away from crawling.  She just has to work out keeping her upper body from getting shoved into the floor when her legs move and she'll be off to the races.  It'll be game on for the rest of us when that happens!