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Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day and other things

  • We had a fun Mother's Day yesterday.  The kids made me handprints and cards (even Evelyn was in on the action!), we all went to church together, I got an afternoon nap, and Ian made spaghetti for dinner.  All in all, a great day to feel appreciated - and to appreciate these little critters!
  • When we pulled back in from church, there was a fire chief Suburban parked in front of our house.  I said O. M. G.  The parrot in the backseat then said O. M. G. in the most serious, correct way - it cracked us up!
  • Evelyn managed to move halfway across the basement yesterday without actually crawling.  The roll-and-shimmy system seems to work quite well for her!
  • Max's willingness to eat anything continues to outpace mine by a long shot.  Last night, he asked for more mushrooms (I still haven't recovered from my Max pregnancy-induced aversion to them) three times while scarfing down a bowl of salad.  Here's hoping he sticks with it!