Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, May 4, 2013

O.M.G., Max is 3!

We watched Max wake up on the monitor.  He sat straight up, then went over to turn the light switch on so he could see better.  The first thing he said when we stopped singing happy birthday was 'Why are there wires in my room?'

 The bounce house was a huge hit!
 Teddy and Evelyn represented the under-1 set nicely.  Somehow Teddy ended up with all the hair!

 Here's our first effort at a family photo.
 And our ultimate best effort, with our random adopted child, Meleia, thrown in the mix.

 Max couldn't contain his excitement over the cupcake - he was halfway through it before the birthday song was over!

 It was pandemonium inside the bounce house!

 We started the day with special birthday pancakes, made by Daddy and Max.  They were yum-o!
 Evelyn even gummed some pancakes, though I think she liked the ball better!