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Monday, June 17, 2013


  • "Mom, Evelyn's all discombobulated.  She doesn't know WHAT she's doing!"
  • "What would you say if you saw a brachiosaurus flying?"
  • Pointing out the window of our plane while we circled over the Mall "Look, it's the car-and-bus-and-train museum.  AND the dinosaur museum!"  (for the record, he identified them correctly.  Amazed me).
  • "I want Mommy.  She's just a little bit better." 
  • We were playing 'basketball' outside last night.  Max would run up to Evelyn and me, and then try to throw the ball at my head while I tried to bat it away.  I was giving (hilarious) play-by-play, comparing Max to 'the good 'ole days of Magic and Jordan' and calling him 'the greatest ball player since Larry Byrd' and 'the grace of LeBron with the style of Pippin.'  And every time he would 'shoot,' I would say 'blocked by the defender at. the. BUZ-ZER!'  Max ran around this morning saying 'defender at. the. BUZ-ZER!'
  • We took Meleia with us to church yesterday.  She and Evelyn were blessed, while Max took communion.  When we sat down in the pew "why don't they get to eat funny crackers?  I LIKE funny crackers!"
  • Max is very into logos these days.  Everywhere we go "what does that logo mean?  why do they have the recycling truck logo?"
  • When Ian went in to get Evelyn this morning, Max had beat him there and was in her crib.  He was "checking the weather" (you can see the sky the best out of the windows in her room).
  • We talk a lot about the tone you use when you talk to people.  This morning, Max told me he does not like to hear "you go to time out.  right now!" and thinks I should say "please go to time out" with a nice tone.  I told him we'd give it a try and see how it works, but sometimes grownups have to use firm voices to get their point across.
  • Max is big-time into "I'm thiiiiir-sty" lately.  He thinks it is HILARIOUS if you say 'OK Thirsty, but I thought your name was Max!'