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Friday, June 14, 2013

Sharing, sharing....

I went to the kids consignment store yesterday, and they had some fun baby toys on clearance.  I grabbed a couple for Evelyn, as she's in a stage where none of our existing toys hold her attention very long.  When we got home last night:

Max:  Evelyn got new baby toys!
Me: She sure did, what are they?
Max:  Evelyn got a post man thing and some letters.
Me:  Do you think she wants to play with them?
Max:  No.  I heard her say she wants to go in the Jumperoo.  
Then he proceeded to rip the post man stuff out of her hands and run to the other side of the room, where he contentedly played for about 30 minutes while dinner cooked.  In the meantime, Evelyn - who has been shrieked at mercilessly for even looking in the general direction of the train set for the last week or so - went all Godzilla on it.  Max did not bat an eye, so long as she did not look at 'her' new toys.

Fast forward to this morning:

Max:  Will you come play with Evelyn's new post man toy, Daddy?
Ian:  Sure Max, I'd love to.
Max:  Mommy, will you come play with Evelyn's new toy too?
Me:  Sure Max, let me just grab Evelyn and I'll be right there.
Max:  She doesn't want to play with it.  She wants to go in her Jumperoo.  I heard her say it.
Ian:  I think she wants to play with us, Max.
Max:  She DOESN'T!  I heard her say it, I heard her say she wants to go in her Jumperoo!  Don't you hear her saying it?

For the record, E did NOT want to be in the Jumperoo.  She wanted to play with the post man toy!