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Monday, July 29, 2013

Bus museum and train museum

Max picked the American History Smithsonian (aka 'the bus museum and the train museum') for our adventure on Saturday.  He wanted to go see the War exhibit first.  He is particularly taken with the guys helping their friend while they wait for the helicopter to evacuate them; he wanted to talk about how we always help our friends for a long time.  We also hit the highlights of the Civil War (say 'please' and 'thank you' to anyone who helps you), WWII (everyone is as good as everyone else), and 9/11 (if you are scared, you can go home to your family while the fire fighters help people).  Doing the war part is exhausting, as the mental gymnastics to keep things age-appropriate but informative enough are quite hard, and it feels very rewarding to make it through with Max feeling like the world is a good place, filled with friends who help you, first responders to care for you, and people who treat each other nicely.

After the war, we headed to our all-time, best-ever, most-favorite part of the museum - transportation.  Max and Ian rode the Chicago metro train car for (not exaggerating) 25 minutes.  Ian like it because you can sit down and it is relatively peaceful.

I love that we have a picture of Max in this spot every year around this time.  I'll have to look back in the archives later to try to find the previous 2 and add them here.
And now the torch is passed, and Evelyn gets to start getting her pictures made here, too.