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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Early in the Vacation

Sunday morning, Max, Mom, Dad, and Aunt Syd headed to Asheville to buy a grill at Home Depot and stop by the grocery for our food for the week.  It was a long trip, and when we got home, Max was ready to play!
 Tricia was happy to oblige with some pony ride/chase-crawl with Evelyn and Max.
 Then it was down to the ponds to do some fishing.  Ian and Max were the lead fishermen, and the rest of us came along to watch.  It started raining while we were there, which added an extra dimension to the fun.

 When fishing got dull, Max wandered over to the sandy beach.  He LOVED digging in the sand!

Ian and Aunt Syd wrangled in the biggest trout anyone had ever seen before.  Ian cooked it up, and you can see that like any good fisherman, he was still talking about how big his catch was as dinner began!