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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Homeward Bound

Max had a very, very special treat on the way back to Central Avenue - his very first Happy Meal.  I have to say, finding a toy mixed in with your burger, fries and apples was a pretty big surprise and made him VERY happy.
 We stopped by Duke on our way home so I could see the campus where I went to camp.  Max loved the chance to run and stretch his legs, and especially liked climbing on the big benches in front of all the dorms.
 The pic of Max in the visor is so frattastic I don't quite know what to say about it.

 Later down the road, we pulled in to a rest stop.  Max did NOT want to stop reading!
 We picked up dinner from a deli in Petersburg, and Max did a great job eating dinner in the car without making a mess.  He's really quite grown up.
 And for the last hour of the drive, Max checked out an episode of Sesame Street.  It was a long drive, but we made it!