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Monday, July 29, 2013

It's always something...

Max is working on his phonics.  He can tell you the first letter of almost any word, and he's right about 85% of the time - 95% if you go phonetically and use 'k' for the hard 'c' sound, etc.

Evelyn is desperate to walk.  She pulls up on EVERYTHING she sees - legs, tables, chairs, trash cans, you name it.  She's getting pretty good at letting go for a second or two and clapping.

Max has the differences between boys and girls down.  Girls have bows and boys don't, and boys have mustaches (like Max does, obviously) and girls do not.

Evelyn looked right at Ian and said 'dada' last night.  We're pretty sure she meant it and it wasn't just a truncated dadadadadada, which is her favorite word at the moment.

And on that note, here are some cuties of the kids in action this weekend: