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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Some Fun Things

  • Evelyn took her first steps this weekend.  It was just two little steps before she fell over, but still - steps!
  • Evelyn just adores Max.  She crawls over to him and, if he is lying down, crawls up on him and pats his head.  If he is sitting or standing, she pulls up on him and pats his back.  She's so excited to be with him!
  • She's transitioned to table food almost full time.  She loves pasta and vegetables, strawberries, blueberries, Cheerios and Chex.  Amusingly, Max has flat out refused to look at a Cheerio for the last year or so.  Now that Evelyn eats them, it's always 'can she share some of her Cheerios with me?'
  • Max can get himself completely dressed now - from his underpants to his shirt and shorts.  We still get tricked up by the idea of separate leg holes, but even that doesn't hold him up for long.  
  • Max is really into having good manners.  He demonstrates good v. bad manners at every meal time, and if you tell him he is doing something with bad manners when we're out in public he instantly stops and starts doing the good manner instead.
  • We've started doing stories and prayers together some nights.  The kids are so sweet, snuggled up in the rocker together, and it is always interesting to hear who Max wants to send blessings to.  He's a thoughtful boy.
  • Speaking of being thoughtful, we bought food for the food bank a couple of weeks ago at the Commissary.  Now each time we go, Max wants to buy food for the kids that don't have enough.