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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Back to School and other fun

  • Max's first Back to School Night was last night.  Ian and I really enjoyed getting to hear from the teachers about the curriculum and checking out the classroom.  Max's photo is up as the example of what to do while in the Reading activity center, and he had several art projects on display.  Miss Joy said he is a very special boy, and that he and she have a special joke - he asks her to help him break his carrots in half at snack each day.
  • This morning over breakfast, Max wanted to hear every detail of what we heard and saw at Back to School.  He glowed when I told him Miss Joy and Miss Hilda said nice things about him, and was very excited to hear Daddy and I played with the rice-and-beans table and looked at the books.
  • Max had something on his thumb and needed help getting it off.  I asked him which finger it was and he said 'I don't know what it is called - the Thumbkin one.'
  • Max is feeling unwell today, with a bit of a sore throat and a 99.9 fever.  I made him a cup of warm tea to drink to make it feel better, and that has him feeling VERY grown up.  He also told me that he thinks he should rest today and read lots of books.  So we loaded up a GIANT bag with books for him to read while he drinks his warm tea today.  He's a funny, funny little man.
  • Evelyn has started to really express herself through her babbles.  She babbled to herself in bed this morning for quite a while, and Ian and I enjoyed following along as her babbles went from loud to soft to loud, and changed in intensity, speed and focus.  It was quite clear she was talking to herself - can't wait to find out about what!
  • This morning in the car, we played telephone.  E would make a babble, then I would repeat, then Max would copy me.  Then back to E to make the next sounds and start us again.  Both kids were giggling like crazy about it.