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Monday, September 30, 2013

Ocean City Fun

Max spent a lot of our time inside working on his book.  He is drawing the pictures and telling us what words to write so we can have a special book just for our family.
On our way home from dinner Saturday night, Max got a special treat - yogurt with sprinkles!
E had lots of fun playing in the sand.
While Max had a total ball digging in the dirt with his big shovel.  He kept saying 'this is really hard work!'

Mommy and Evelyn went for a walk on the beach while the boys played in the water and sand.

Max used the 'new sand' (dry sand) to clean his hands from the 'old sand' (wet).  He was very proud of his dedication to cleanliness.

We all enjoyed taking time to enjoy the sound and peace of the ocean.
E rocked my sunglasses.
Max and Daddy built this beautiful sand castle.  Evelyn and Mommy found a sparkly shell (Max says it came from an oyster) to decorate the top of the castle on their walk.  It would be fun to live there!