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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Updates and notes

Max asked why I didn't have my hands like his to pray, which led to a conversation about all the different ways to pray. I told him some people do giving/receiving hands so they can hear God and He can hear them. Max cupped both his hands together and said "doesn't everyone want to catch all of God's love?!" very matter of factly.

Evelyn has become very insistent about getting what she wants. She's even started signing for food. It's so nice to be starting basic communication!

Max started gymnastics yesterday and LOVED it. He thought jumping in the foam block pit was pretty spectacular.

This morning, Max rushed to get dressed do he could wait for the garbage truck. He sat on the front step for 35 minutes, waiting patiently, until the truck arrived. He was thrilled to wave to the guys.

Evelyn is turning into an eater. She love pasta of all sorts, waffles, blueberries, strawberries, apple sauce, yogurt and oranges. Oh, and cheese!