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Monday, November 11, 2013

Saying goodbye

We went to Chattanooga to say goodbye to Granny this weekend.  The kids were great troopers, and excellent travelers.  They were also wonderfully kind and sweet children just when we needed them to be.
On the flight down, Max was amused by the arm rests - 'they're little beds for my arms!'
After the memorial Saturday morning, Melissa and I took the kids to the children's museum to get in some fun playtime and exploring.  It was a much-needed energy release for them!

One highlight from the weekend was the Vanderbilt win over Florida, right before we headed to dinner with friends.

Sunday morning, Pops and Miss Connie took the kids to the park while Ian and I relaxed together.

Then we went by Izzy and John's to visit and play a bit with Mac and Baby Isabel's toys.

It was finally off to the airport to head back home for a good night's sleep in our own beds.