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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Love This Boy

Max has been very concerned with the Philippines since he saw footage of the tsunami that hit there at the first of November.  Very concerned.

Last night, he got in the car and immediately started talking about the Philippines and how he heard that the Air Force is not really bringing supplies there.  I explained that the Air Force is bringing help and supplies, but there is still more to be done.

Max said that he wanted to help them, and that we should send them food.  I explained that there are no post offices (the best way I could come up with to describe infrastructure to a 3 year-old) and that makes it impossible for us to just mail food there.  The best thing we can do is send money to help them buy what they need there.

Max then said that he wants to send money, but not all our money, because we need to buy food for us, too.   He wants to draw a picture of a post office and send it with the money, so the construction workers will know we intend it to be for new post offices so everyone in the Philippines can get packages.

So we talked about how we could get money - earn it or raise it from our friends.  He decided he'd like to raise the money, so last night we baked a bunch of chocolate-butterscotch cookies.  Tonight, we're going to sell them to our neighbors and then draw a picture of the post office to include with the money.

He has such a kind and thoughtful heart.  I am so proud of who he is.