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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Tae Kwon Do

 Max started Tae Kwon Do on Monday.  To be more accurate, he went to the TKD school on Monday, took one look at the 6 year-olds class, and hid behind a chair.  By the end of the little kids class (called the 'lil samurais), he was sitting on a chair with his head on Ian's shoulder saying he thought it looked like fun.  He went back on Tuesday, and while still scared got a private lesson from one of the teachers.


Today, he finally did a real class with the other kids, had a great time, and earned both his white belt and the 'self discipline' stripe.  He really seems to like it - he practices at home and pays attention to the technique critiques.  Evelyn tries to do TKD too - she holds her hands up to her face and lifts her leg for kicks.
 These are pictures of Max and Ian 'warming up' before heading to class today.  He didn't have his white belt yet, so the top of his uniform was really baggy.  Be sure to check out the great hem job Mom did on his pants - we had to take in 6 inches!