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Monday, May 12, 2014

Words and other updates

Evelyn's vocabulary keeps growing:

  • lo-la - stroller
  • OW-n - down
  • MINE
  • yeah - in response to yes or no questions she agrees to.  Instead of 'no', she just ignores us
  • nana- Miss Reinalda
  • buh - book
  • bubas - bubbles
  • ow-ahs - flowers
  • ber - bird
  • doh-ee - doggy
Max continues to amaze us with his verbal prowess, too.  I played him the Hallelujah Chorus a couple of weeks ago because he was very interested in the idea of 'King of Kings.'  This morning at breakfast, he was singing the hallelujah part to himself.  He heard the song twice.  Two weeks ago.  Funny kid!

We set up the Hot Wheels track Miss Reinalda gave Max for his birthday this weekend.  Both kids LOVED it - I don't think I've seen Evelyn laugh as hard at anything as she did the first time the car flew off the end of the track.  Between it and the bubble maker, she's easy to make smile these days!

Evelyn is into picking out her own bow each morning.  She is my daughter - she picks out the giant cowgirl bow from the Rodeo every single day.  The bigger the bow...

Meleia and Max had a slumber party here Thursday night.  After spending all day together, they were THRILLED to get to sleep in their sleeping bags.  They stayed up until almost 11, and woke up at 5:50!  Long day Friday for all of us.  We wised up by Friday night, when she stayed over again, and put them in separate rooms.  They were both asleep almost instantly.