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Monday, August 18, 2014

4 year check up

EVERYONE knows that the 5-year checkup is the bad one - the one where you get four shots at once, and is so bad that the pediatricians give away nice quality panda bears out of guilt - right?!  Apparently everyone except our pediatrician knows that fact.  Max (37 lbs, 40.74 inches) was a trooper when he learned he'd need four shots (after I'd assured him the 4-year is no big deal - it's the 5 with the shots).  He did not shed a single tear, and barely flinched throughout. 
His stellar performance earned him a trip to B&R.  We brought Penny Panda with us, because Max thought she may be hungry, having not had a chance to eat since she was born.  She is a big fan of rainbow sherbet, too!