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Saturday, August 16, 2014

Fun summer things

Evelyn loves to turn things into horses. She rode the house too saying 'yeehaw!'
She also loves to take care of her babies.  She makes sure they have pillows and blankets, and I often stumble across them napping in our hallways.
Evelyn accessorized herself this morning before we left for Ft. McHenry so Max could show the girls the amazing movie about the writing of the Star Spangled Banner.  The boy LOVES Ft. McHenry!
Both kids were great readers on the way.  Unfortunately, Evelyn started feeling unwell while we are there.  She's a trooper though, and managed to wait until we made it back home to get sick.  She spent the afternoon in-and-out of sleep, and went to bed early.  Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day!