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Monday, August 18, 2014

Sunday funday

I lost my keys before church this morning.  While I tore the house apart (they were in the stroller basket - thanks Evelyn!), the kids occupied themselves fixing a flag and putting on a tutu.
Nobody can accuse the kids of being uncomfortable in church.  Evelyn sprawled out in the pew to color.  Max has been working on 'knowing the words' to the different parts of the service.  We started with the Lord's Prayer.  He made it through the first half in synch with the congregation, and the second half on about a one-second delay.  One of our neighbors complimented him on doing so well!
The kids L-O-V-E getting 'cake' and lemonade after the service.  
Post-naps, we went to the playground.  I said 'say CHEESE,' and Evelyn immediately put on her no-way, no-how grumpy face.
Max is very proud of being big enough to ride on the helicopter thing at the playground.  Evelyn is very sad that she is not yet that big!