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Thursday, September 4, 2014

A REAL pre-k-er

Max woke up and said "I can't believe I'm a REAL Pre-K-er!"  His enthusiasm did not let up all morning!  We got dressed and then had fresh-from-the-oven blueberry muffins to start the day.  Evelyn loved having 'cake' for breakfast.
She was quite dissatisfied that I wanted pictures of Max alone.  Evelyn will be ready for school next fall for sure!
Max and Meleia got in a quick photo shoot before we left for school.
Evelyn was still pretty bummed at being excluded from the school-starting-fun!
Then it was off to MOPS for the first day.  We headed right to the Helping Hands class, where Miss Marcia and Miss Michael greeted him warmly.  We found his cubby, put up his snack, bike helmet, and backpack, gave HUGE hugs and kisses and then he was inside the classroom without even a tiny glance back.  It was a great way to start the year!