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Friday, November 7, 2014

Parent-Teacher Conference

Max's parent-teacher conference was this morning.  Miss Marcia and Miss Michael agree that Max is more than ready for kindergarten.  They noted that he is very polite, and makes a point of finding them and greeting them each with 'good morning Miss Marcia/Michael' each day.  They also said he is their go-to person when they need the right answer, that he always pays attention, and that he loves to share his knowledge.  They've learned a lot about Fort McHenry so far this year!  His challenge is holding back the sillies at times and waiting patiently.

His teachers said when most kids are gone, they don't notice beyond having one less child to count on the way to/from the playground.  But when Max was home sick, they said they really missed his presence in the class - and that the other kids did, too.

We're lucky to have such a great boy and to have him in a class with such invested teachers!