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Monday, December 8, 2014

Disney Recap

We had a great time at Disney World.  The kids were amazing troopers - Max didn't nap all week, and Evelyn caught little cat naps in her stroller and on the bus, and we stayed up way past bedtime each night.  They had great attitudes the whole time and seemed to genuinely be amazed by the sights and sounds.  Even better, we (seriously) never waited more than 5 minutes for a ride.  Ever.  I can't imagine being there when it is hot and crowded - the first week of December rocks!

So you'll remember when you're older...

  • The first ride we rode was the Tea Cups.
  • Your absolute favorite was Dumbo, followed by Aladdin's Magic Carpets and the Flying Triceratops, which are basically other versions of Dumbo.
  • At the Magic Kingdom, we rode:
    • Tea Cups
    • Dumbo (we rode it twice, with no wait!)
    • Barnstormer (Max and Dad - Max thought it was too scary!)
    • Met Daisy and Minnie (Max loved them, Evelyn loved it so long as we stayed at least 10 feet from the characters)
    • Little Mermaid Under the Sea
    • Winnie the Pooh
    • Small World (Max was all about learning about the different countries, and Evelyn liked looking for animals)
    • Speedway (Evelyn and I were the slowest car on the track!)
    • Carousel of Progress
    • Train
    • Aladdin's Magic Carpets (we rode it 3 times!)
    • Country Bear Jamboree (Absolutely hilarious, and one of the stuffed heads on the wall's name is Max)
    • Tom Sawyer Island (Max loved shooting the guns and cannons, and Evelyn loved building towers out of the checkers pieces)
    • Lunch at the Beast's Castle, Be our Guest (Mom was super excited)
    • Pirates of the Caribbean (Max hated it)
    • Jungle Cruise
    • Saw the Christmas Parade
  • At Animal Kingdom, we:
    • Took the Safari (the giraffes stopped in the middle of the road so we got to stay on it for a while)
    • Rode the Flying Triceratops (twice in a row!)
    • Dug for Dinosaurs in the playland (and played a lot, too!)
    • Mom and Dad rode DinoSAUR
    • Learned the difference between monkeys and apes, and had lots of laughs watching them swing around on the monkey bars
    • Did LOTS of African drumming (and dancing)
  • At Epcot, we:
    • Ate dinner in Morocco
    • Rode Spaceship Earth (Max and Evelyn both loved it.  It had ancient Egypt, Romans, Greeks, and our heads superimposed on future people at the end.  The kids thought that was just awesome!)
    • Rode the Nemo ride through an aquarium, and then explored inside it
    • Ate dinner in Germany (the biergarten is overrated)
    • Watched a movie about China and then checked out the miniature tomb soldiers
    • Strolled through all the countries at night (a beautiful walk and a nice, low-key way to explore)
    • Watched the dancing fountain/light show - Evelyn absolutely loved it, and Max was terrified of it
    • Rode the monorail
    • Played in the Innovator, where we tested the strength of TV screens and durability of light bulbs before playing in a storm-safe house
  • At the hotel, we:
    • LOVED playing in the pool.  Max slid on the water slide for (no exaggeration) an hour and 45 minutes the first day.  Evelyn put on her swimmies and swam back and forth across the pool very, very happily.  They even figured out how to have Max pull Evelyn around in the water for a bit.
    • Played for a long time on the playground.  
    • Checked out the animals outside our room window quite regularly.  We saw zebras, giraffes, wildebeests, and gazelles.  We liked to watch them move and react to things like a herd.  We also liked seeing the zookeepers feed them each morning - usually right near our balcony.
    • Went to visit the flamingos ('mingos in Evelyn speak)
    • Made Christmas ornaments from ostrich egg shells
    • Tried African stew - which Max loved and ordered two more times