Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, December 1, 2014


  • Evelyn has a funny way of pronouncing some words.  Her accent is on a funny syllable, and it is VERY strong - strawBERRy, blueBERRy, PUNkin pie, etc.
  • She loves to look for me when I'm in the other room.  'Where ARE you, Moma?  Don't worry, I find you, Moma!'
  • She is very excited to go to Disney and see 'Middie Mouse'!
  • 'It's my FAVE-it!' 
  • 'I lub you!'
  • 'Maxon in time out!' and 'You go time out!' - she loves to say this when Max, or one of us, is not doing exactly what she wants.
  • 'I do helping, Moma?' - Evelyn wants to help with all tasks, from the dishwasher to the dryer to making dinner.  
  • 'I no baby, I biggirr' - Don't even think about calling her our baby - she's big, and she has the big girl room to prove it!
  • She's started to say her name.  It is so sweet to hear her say 'I Eblen'