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Wednesday, January 28, 2015


  • Evelyn finally gave up her paci at night this week.  We cut off the nipple months ago, meaning she was sleeping with just the hard plastic part shoved against her mouth.  When we told her it was gone, she had a major pre-bed meltdown.  But she slept through the night, and the second night was much easier.  This morning she woke up with her thumb solidly in her mouth.  Hooray for big girls who don't need their Ba!
  • Potty training is coming along.  It's not speedy, but Evelyn has potty-sitting down and is getting better about it.  Maybe another month or so until she's really diaper-free?
  • Max announced last night that he loves Evelyn most, and then Mommy and Daddy, but only because she's so small and fun.  We're good too, we're just not very small.
  • When Tricia was here, Max told her that 'Thomas and James would be sensible names for a boy' for Aunt Syd's new baby.
  • When Evelyn wants to do things by herself, she says 'MY OWN' really loudly.
  • When we try to use bathrooms in public, Evelyn insists on going into the stall by herself.  I usually open the door to find her with shoes/socks/pants off.  That's delightful.  Twice, she's locked herself in the stall and we've had to send Max under the door to open it.  That's delightful, too.
  • Evelyn is all about taking care of everyone.  Last night, she kept saying 'Daddy, where's your tummy??' Then she would tickle him and say 'Don't worry Daddy, I take care of you.'
  • We are working on 'catching' Max being good.  He walked into the room where I was folding laundry last week and said with full-blown enthusiasm, 'Score, Mom.  Score one for you.  You're putting the laundry away without Dad even having to ask you.'  Then he wheeled around on his heel and headed off to another room.