Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


  • Max at dinner last night, eating an apple: 'I REALLY like Granny Smith.  [pause] By the way, who is Taylor Smith (Swift)?'
  • Evelyn getting in the car this morning: 'Daddy's car is at work?  [sigh] I miss Daddy.  I'm his Sugar Bear.'
  • Evelyn's new thing is 'shoulders.'  She hugs you with her head over one shoulder and an air kiss, then hugs you again on the other shoulder with another air kiss.
  • Evelyn refers to Max as Maxton when she wants him to listen to her or follow an order.
  • Evelyn tells stories and sings songs to us at bedtime now.  
  • I say 'let's rock and roll' as we leave the house.  Evelyn has decided that 'rock and roll' is her catch phrase now,  and gets absolutely furious when anyone else says it.