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Monday, May 11, 2015

So many things

There are so many, many things I want to remember that the kids say and do, but I blank on them when I sit down to record.  So here are just a few:

  • When you do anything with Evelyn - have breakfast, drive her somewhere, take her to the potty, whatever - she will say 'thank you for joining me, Mommy' in the most sincere little voice, as if you have granted her a great honor being with her.
  • Two ladies at the commissary were laughing at how cute Evelyn was.  She turned around, hand on hip and finger shaking at them, 'don't do laughing at me, don't laugh at me!'  They stopped (though were by now shaking with laughter they were holding in), until Evelyn turned around and gave them the 'I'm cute and I know it' smile.  Then all 3 of them started cracking up.
  • Max would like to be a commissary bagger, an archaeologist, a historian, and an Air Force guy so he can go to work with Dad every day.
  • Last night, Max started talking about Lord Percy and his role in the Revolutionary War.  Ian and I had no idea who he was talking about, so he ended up giving us a mini-lesson in the battle of Lexington and Concord.
  • We call my grandmother Francine.  Evelyn was trying to tell me her whole name last night, and called herself Eblen Francine Bryan.  She really takes this naming-after thing seriously!