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Thursday, June 8, 2017

Parent Teacher Conference

We had Evelyn's last parent-teacher conference at MOPS today.  Her teachers say she is very bright, and has come out of her shell with the other students.  She's not always the first to raise her hand, but she always has the right answer.  

Evelyn has lots of self-confidence, and loves to share stories about her life with her teachers and friends.  She's very self-directed and always does her best work.  Her teachers appreciate her sense of humor and her clear appreciation for learning.

The teachers say she is very independent.  They like that she sees the bigger picture; whether with blocks, the kitchen, or art, she expands the story.  She'll bring in all the sets of blocks to build elaborate castles rather than just building tall towers with them.  She'll turn the kitchen into a grocery store, taking the play beyond "family" to "life."  She takes her time with her art and makes the best hearts in the class.

We are proud of Evelyn and can't wait to see what comes next!